Date of Award

Fall 12-2016

Access Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Mark Ricklick

First Committee Member

Magdy Attia

Second Committee Member

L.L. Narayanaswami


Heat transfer experiments for different cooling techniques for a gas turbine blade are performed and the data are collected via temperature sensitive paint, ammeter, thermocouple and manometer measurement techniques. These data are subjected to uncertainty analysis and the major contributing parameter in the uncertainty is found. A tool to identify the major contributing parameter is devised to reduce the uncertainty in the experiment. Further the effect of temperature difference (surface temperature to bulk temperature) is studied to determine the impact on uncertainty and to determine its importance. The analysis between various implementations of the student’s t distribution are conducted to determine the number of samples needed. This is important in experiments utilizing Temperature Sensitive Paint, where the measurement device is subject to degradation after extended use. A rib turbulated rig and a pin fin rig were used to conduct this research. It was found that the electrical current used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient is the major contributing parameter in the uncertainty. The increase in surface temperature reduced the percentage error from 9.5% to 5.6%. It was found that uncertainty calculated from student’s t distribution with less number of samples gave about the same percentage error with less difference in comparison to the high number of samples.
