Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides access to master’s theses submitted since 1988.
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Each Daytona Beach master’s degree candidate is required to submit a copy of his or her master’s thesis to the Hunt Library in electronic and print formats. The electronic version of the thesis will be uploaded to Scholarly Commons. For more information on submitting a master’s thesis, please consult Thesis Binding and Submission Process.
Since the inception of Scholarly Commons, requests by researchers from other institutions (academic, commercial, military, and government) to read our graduate research theses have grown tremendously, and continue to increase every semester. To meet this demand, ERAU began offering our entire Master’s Theses collection as open access in December 2016.
For Dissertation and Thesis submission information please visit the PhD Dissertation and Master's Thesis Homepage.
If you do not wish your thesis to be open access, please email your name and title of your thesis to commons@erau.edu. Your thesis will be restricted to ERAU students, faculty, and staff within three business days.
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2013
A Descriptive Analysis of Public Comments Submitted in Response to Notice of Proposed Rules on Air Carrier Pilot Qualification, Amy Chaffee Doolittle
Mapping of the Quasi-periodic Oscillations at the Flank Magnetopause into the Ionosphere, Emily R. Dougal
Investigation of a Lagrangian-point Propellant Depot Rendezvous Approach for an Interplanetary Mission to Mars, Joshua W. Ehrlich
Investigation of Grid Adaptation to Reduce Computational Efforts for a 2-D Hydrogen-Fueled Dual-Mode Scramjet, Kam Keong Foo
Investigation of Videogame Flow: Effects of Expertise and Challenge, Jolie G. Gascon
Analyzing Communication Performance: A Comparison of Native-English Speakers and Non-Native English Speakers, Tami Marie Gibbs
Moral Development in the Military: The Efficacy of ROTC Morality Training at the Sophomore Level, Paul A. Gillett
The Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on Cognitive Performance, Anne I.S. Gray
Estimating Cell Capacity for Multi-Cell Electrical Energy System, Iman Ahari Hashemi
Controllability of Open Quantum Optical Systems: Photon Fock States in a Cavity, Byron Henry Lowry
Molecular Dynamics Model of Carbon Nanotubes in EPON 862/DETDA Polymer, Guttormur Arnar Ingvason
A Naturalistic Study of Long-term Working Memory Capacity for Meaningful Visual and Auditory Stimuli, Joseph M. Jaworski
Comparison of Three Angle of Attack (AOA) Indicators: A Usability Study, Camilo Jimenez
Spatial Cognition Differences between Men and Women in Spatial Cue Environments during Flight Simulation, Heidi Crystal Kim
A 3-D Model of the Auroral Ionosphere, Yishi Lee
Time Perception during Retrospective and Prospective Paradigms with a Distraction, Kristi L. Lontz
Performance Analysis Of Non-Linear Adaptive Control Laws Using Hardware in the Loop of an Unmanned Aerial System, Brendon Lyons
Attitude Dynamics of Debris Resulting From Upper Stage Fragmentation in Low Earth Orbit, Killian Marie
Incorporating Industry Needs into the Development of an Undergraduate Degree in Commercial Space Operations, Yash Bipinchandra Mehta
Numerical Modeling of Anti-Icing Using an Array of Heated Synthetic Jets, Nikisha Maria Nagappan
Observability and Confidence of Stability and Control Derivatives Determined in Real Time, Alfonso Noriega
Computing Radiation Exchange, Jonathan L. Nutzati Fontaine
Creating Standards Compliant Biodiesel Production Capability Using Waste Peanut Oil at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Jintana Nina Phanthanousy
Reduction of Near-Field Grating Lobes in Sparse Acoustic Phased Arrays, Dylan Rudolph
Investigation into the Effects of Wire Mesh on Tensile and Impact Properties of Fiber Metal Laminates, Shivani A. Rudradat
An Investigation to Advance the Technology Readiness Level of the Centaur Derived On-orbit Propellant Storage and Transfer System, Nathan L. Silvernail
Development of a Hybrid Vehicle Powertrain Test Laboratory, Bennet Samuel Soundarraj
Pre-exposure Training as a Means to Reduce Vection Induced Symptoms of Motion Sickness, Nicholas James Stapleton
Effects of Pack Weight on Endurance of Long-distance Hikers, Anthony T. Thomas
Preliminary Design of Blade and Disc Fixing for Aerospace Application using Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Abdulhalim Twahir
Fluid-structure Interaction and Multidisciplinary Design Analysis Optimization of Composite Wind Turbine Blade, Naishadh G. Vasjaliya
Investigation of Pulse Detonation Engines; Theory, Design and Analysis, Jeff Vizcaino
Numerical Analysis and Theory of Oblique Alfvenic Solitons Observed in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, Harry Raphael Wheeler IV
Measuring Acoustic Attenuation of Polymer Materials Using Drop Ball Test, Yi Zhang
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2012
Debris Propagation due to a Space Vehicle Breakup at High Altitudes, Juan A. Alvarado
The Effect of Cockpit Noise on the Temporary Threshold Shift of Cessna 172SP Flight Instructors, Andrew Robert Bellini
An Experimental Investigation of GLARE and Restructured Fiber Metal Laminates, Adelina Vanessa Benedict
High-Fidelity Modeling of Airfoil Interaction with Upstream Turbulence, Jacob Brodnick
The Effects of Energy Beverages in Counteracting the Symptoms of Mild Hypoxia at Legal General Aviation Altitudes, Daniel Mark Bull
Implementation of Microwave Transmissions for Rocket Exhaust Plume Diagnostics, Nicholas George Coutu
E-learning in Multi-cultural Environments: An Analysis of Online Cabin Crew Training, Jose Felix de Brito Neto
Analysis of the Impact of Scenario-Based Training on the Aeronautical Decision Making of Collegiate Flight Students, Mariko Genevieve Doskow
Identification and Classification of Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events, Thomas S. Ehrmann
Design and Implementation of the Kinect Controlled Electro-Mechanical Skeleton (K.C.E.M.S), Jason Richard Ekelmann
The Effects of Feedback Delivery Mechanisms on Employee Engagement Participation, Augusto Espinosa
Evaluating Dynamic ‘Landing Gear Unsafe’ Auditory Alerts as a Defense Against Habituation, Vincenzo Fasano
Low-Cost Flight Test Telemetry Systems, Mario Noriega Fogliani
Determining Kanban Size Using Mathematical Programming and Discrete Event Simulation for a Manufacturing System with Large Production Variability, Abigail Michele Gaston
Level of Agreement in the Mental Models of Human Factors Practitioners and Systems Engineers Working in Collaborative Teams, Jerry A. Gordon
Development of a Supervisory Control Unit for a Series Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Brian Neal Harries
Analysis of the Effects of Hypoxia on Cognitive Processing Ability, Meaghan Catherine Hart
Background Factors That Affect Pilot Success in Regional Airline Training, Derek Alan Herchko
Naturalistic Study Examining the Data/Frame Model of Sensemaking by Assessing Experts in Complex, Time-Pressured Aviation Domains, Katherine P. Kaste
The Effect on Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Reporting Culture from Implementing an Aviation Safety Action Program, Robert Blake Kelly
The Development of a Force Balance for Testing Micro Aerial Vehicles, Michael Christopher King
Structural Damage Classification using Support Vector Machines, Xiang Li
The Effect of Control and Display Lag on UAS Internal Pilot Manual Landing Performance, Marshall Everett Lloyd
Quality and Quantity of Sleep Study and its Relationship to the Performance of LPGA Tour Players, Maria Elena Lopez
Assessing Color Discrimination, Joshua R. Maxwell
Novel Airframe Design for the Dual-Aircraft Atmospheric Platform Flight Concept, Eric Michael McKee
Social Facilitation and Test Anxiety in Flight Simulation Training, Heidi Manijeh Mehrzad
Identifying Signatures of Plasma Waves and Reconnection Associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz Activity, Thomas Wesley Moore
The Engineering Process for the Design of a Motorcycle Chassis and Suspension, Derek J. Noce
Ranging of Aircraft Using Wide-baseline Stereopsis, Kevin Todd Rigby
Facility Implementation, Production, and Use of Biodiesel on a University Campus, Michelle Erin Rodio
The Effects of Different Optokinetic Drum Rotation Speeds on Motion Sickness Symptoms, Cognitive Performance and Sleep Amount, Wilfredo Rodríguez-Jiménez
Design and Optimization of a Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) Section, Francisco X. Romo
An Evaluation of RTA Symbols to Improve Pilot Situation Awareness, Erik D. Schmidt
Spacecraft and Propulsion Technician Error, Daniel Clyde Schultz
Neural Network Fatigue Life Prediction in Steel I-Beams Using Mathematically Modeled Acoustic Emission Data, Prathikshen Nambiar Selvadorai
Effects of Oxygen Deprivation on Pilot Performance and Cognitive Processing Skills: A Pilot Study, David Francis Shideler
Acoustic Emission Signal Classification for Gearbox Failure Detection, Jun Shishino
The Effects of Familiarity and Persuasion on Risk Assessment, Casey L. Smith
A Gap Analysis of Meteorological Requirements for Commercial Space Operators, Nicholas J. Stapleton
Evaluating the Effect of Smart Parking Technology on Campus Parking System Efficiency using Discrete Event Simulation, Glenn Phillip Surpris
Exploration of Sensemaking in the Education of Novices to the Complex Cognitive Work Domain of Air Traffic Control, Travis J. Wiltshire
The Effects of Expertise and Information Location on Change Blindness Detection within an Aviation Domain, Dinorah Zárate
Investigation of Shroud Geometry to Passively Improve Heat Transfer in a Solar Thermal Storage Tank, Matthew Keene Zemler
Theses - Daytona Beach from 2011
The Distance between Colors; Using DeltaE* to Determine Which Colors Are Compatible, Rosandra N. Abeyta
On the Variation of Gravity Wave Activity through the Solar Cycle at the South Pole, Ryan Matthew Agner
Investigating Factors Associated with Burglary Crime Analysis using Logistic Regression Modeling, Daniel Antolos
Nonholonomic Feedback Control Among Moving Obstacles, Stephen Gregory Armstrong
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change and Addressing Solutions at L. F. Wade International Airport, Bermuda, Sebastian Romeo Phillip Brisson
The Effects of Observers’ Expectations and the Probability of a Change Occurring on Change Detection Performance, Robert A. Brown
Development and Implementation of a Fault Mitigating Control System for a Biodiesel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle for the EcoCar: The NeXt Challenge Competition, Sean Christopher Carter
Supervisory Autonomous Control of Homogeneous Teams of Unmanned Ground Vehicles, with Application to the Multi-Autonomous Ground-Robotic International Challenge, Katrina L. Corley
State of the Art of Piloted Electric Airplanes, NASA's Centennial Challenge Data and Fundamental Design Implications, Lori Anne Costello
Identifying an Optimal Dining Plan System for the Entertainment Industry, Joseph Crimi
Analysis of Airport Security Screening Checkpoints using Queuing Networks and Discrete Event Simulation: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach, Stephen Louis Dorton
Effects of Interpreter Use on Rapport and HUMINT Collection, James E. Driskell III
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of a Square-Cross Section Stainless Steel Propellant Tank Manufactured Using Selective Laser Sintering, Spencer Fuller
Neural Network Prediction of Ultimate Compression After Impact Loads in Graphite-Epoxy Coupons from Ultrasonic C-Scan Images, Nikolas L. Geiselman
The Effects of System Reliability and Time Pressure on Unoccupied Aircraft Systems Operator Performance and Mental Workload, Rania Wageh Ghatas
The Development of a Phase Locked Excitation Testing Method for Full‐Scale Wind Turbine Blades, Waleed Fathi Gowharji
Ultimate Compression After Impact Load Prediction in Graphite/Epoxy Coupons Using Neural Network and Multivariate Statistical Analyses, Alexandre David Grégoire
Effect of Thermally Induced Deformation in a Supersonic Combustion Facility, Aditya Ajit Gupte
The Effects of System Reliability and Task Uncertainty on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Performance under High Time Pressure, Manuela Jaramillo