Date of Award

Spring 4-2013

Access Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Chair

Marc D. Compere

First Committee Member

Yosef Allam

Second Committee Member

Birce Dikici


During the past year, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has been in the process of making a viable biodiesel using waste peanut oil from a Chick-Fil-A fast food restaurant on campus. Past research and biodiesel production from the previous two years on campus was taken into consideration and a catalyst change was proposed. Sample test batches were conducted to create a viable biodiesel and a consistent recipe. The biodiesel was tested for quality and also sent in for ASTM Standards testing. Biodiesel that passed quality testing would be permitted to be used as a B100 in campus facilities and university projects. It was concluded that the biodiesel was processed correctly but contained more moisture than the standards allowed and recommended that future batches of biodiesel be washed a significant amount of times and completely dried before use.
