Date of Award
Fall 12-2024
Access Type
Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair
Scott Montgomery Martin
Committee Advisor
Scott Montgomery Martin
First Committee Member
Thomas Lovell
Second Committee Member
Eric Perrell
Third Committee Member
Mark Anthony Reynolds
College Dean
James W. Gregory
As NASA and commercial contractors, such as SpaceX, continue to develop their programs with Artemis and Starship, respectively, it is becoming more and more apparent that the program developments are ultimately for finding a way to put humans onto Mars. However, when we approach the current timeline of going to Mars, it usually involves a 6-9 month one way trip. Due to this, human spaceflight to Mars becomes more dangerous as exposure to affects such as solar radiation, long exposure to low gravity fields, and isolation. These are some of the many hazards that come with interplanetary space travel for humans. Most of the effects of these hazards can be reduced by reducing the transit time to Mars. To this end, while current approaches use only chemical rockets, it is important to study how a hybrid architecture affects performance. Hybrid systems are defined as an electric-chemical propulsion system or a chemical-nuclear thermal propulsion system. While there are many other variations, for the purposes of this study the focus will be on electric-chemical propulsion systems and how that specific hybrid architecture affects the overall time of flight. To implement this, a model was developed that used real time acceleration on the spacecraft to accurately model the effects of the electrical portion of the propulsion system to reach Mars. The study varies the specific impulse from 1000 to 10,000 seconds with each specific impulse being tested with a range of p\propellant mass flow rates from 0.00001 kg/s to 0.001 kg/s. The chemical portion was represented by departure delta velocities of 3.6, 3.8, 4.0, and 4.2 km/s. These inputs were put into the model and calculated a time of flight for each which then was used to calculate time savings by comparing the results versus the chemical time of flight for each departure delta velocity values. A cost estimate was also considered to see if the hybrid propulsion system is feasible compared to chemical only systems.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Bhatt, Vivek, "Assessing General Propulsion Architectures for Fast Transit Times to Mars for Crewed Missions" (2024). Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses. 866.