Date of Award

Spring 2024

Access Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Hever Moncayo

First Committee Member

Richard Prazenica

Second Committee Member

Richard Stansbury

College Dean

James W. Gregory


In the modern world, various missions are being carried out under the assistance of autonomous flight vehicles due to their ability to operate in a wide range of flight conditions. Regardless, these autonomous vehicles are prone to GPS signal loss in urban environments due to obstructions that cause scintillation, multi-path, and shadowing. These effects that decrease the GPS functionality can deteriorate the accuracy of GPS positioning causing losses in signal tracking leading to a decrease in navigation performance. These effects are modeled into the simulation environment and are used as part of the path planning algorithm to provide better navigation strategies. This thesis aims to provide an implementation of A* algorithm in combination with RRT* path planning algorithm to detect and avoid areas with degraded GPS signals. The trajectory generation will consider a quadcopter vehicle dynamics when generating paths. A model of the quadcopter is used to illustrate the validation of this approach in a simulation environment with the GPS model integrated.
