Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): Session 4 (continued): Pilot Supply Problem

Session 4 (continued): Pilot Supply Problem


Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Start Date

8-15-2017 10:15 AM

End Date

8-15-2017 11:45 AM

Submission Type



A total of eight presentations will be given during this session (split into two segments with a break in-between). The pilot supply problem topics will include issues on pilot shortage and hiring cycles in the rapidly changing environment, as well as cost to the industry and cooperation between airlines and ab initio training programs.


To view individual presentations, click the corresponding link below:

Pilot Supply at the Regional Airlines: Airline Response to the Changing Environment and the Impact on Pilot Hiring - Becky Lutte

Aviation Industry Outlook - Capt. Darrin Greubel

Airline Pilot Supply and Pilot Experience - Capt. Paul Ryder

Perspectives on the Pilot Supply Problem - Geoff Murray, Ph.D.

Presenter Biography

View Darrin Greubel's Bio Page

View Mike Wiggins' Bio Page


Aug 15th, 10:15 AM Aug 15th, 11:45 AM

Session 4 (continued): Pilot Supply Problem

Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

A total of eight presentations will be given during this session (split into two segments with a break in-between). The pilot supply problem topics will include issues on pilot shortage and hiring cycles in the rapidly changing environment, as well as cost to the industry and cooperation between airlines and ab initio training programs.