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Asia Campus

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Advisor Name

Kim L. Chua


Mental illness becomes one of the main problems that most pilots do not usually address. It is not because pilots do not have the courage or are open enough to talk with someone, but because the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) forces them to hide from mental depression. Most of the time, the pilots are not willing to declare such illnesses as they fear losing their job; simultaneously, the Federal Aviation Agencies across the world require pilots to be in peat health, including their mental condition, to operate the aircraft. While it can be said that the passengers’ and crews’ safety are in pilots’ hands, mental illness should not be viewed as a disease that cannot be cured. It can be treated with proper medical guidelines; however, the recovery journey can be long and exhausting. With the rising generation of younger pilots who have been dealing with 21st-century problems such as financial issues, family issues, and so on, depression rates among Generation Z have been drastically increased. The paper will analyze the FAA medical certification and whether it should be re-assessed and allowed pilots with long-term mental illness while giving them options for treatment. The paper will also discuss the new mental certification guidelines to a certain extent aligned with regulatory requirements for upcoming pilots to fly under certain circumstances. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) must be re-assessed its mental requirement in medical certification for future pilots.

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