Mark Whorton
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Dr. Mark Whorton is Chief Technology Officer of The Georgia Tech Research Institute where he has responsibility for technology strategy and stewardship of internal research and development. Dr. Whorton is also an Adjunct Professor of Practice, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology with subject matter expertise in guidance, navigation and control of aerospace vehicles and space systems. He earned BS & MS degrees in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Alabama and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech where his thesis work addressed the dynamics and control of flexible space structures.
Prior to joining GTRI, Dr. Whorton was the Executive Director of the University of Tennessee Space Institute after serving as Chief Technologist of Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, Alabama where he conceived and led development of MUSES, an advanced platform for commercial earth imaging from the International Space Station. He was also President of Teledyne Optech, Inc., developer of airborne LIDAR instruments and camera systems for coastal zone mapping.
Dr. Whorton completed a 20+ year civil servant career at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in 2009 where he was a technical expert in dynamics and control of launch vehicles, spacecraft, and space structures and served as Chief of the Guidance, Navigation, and Mission Analysis Branch while leading development of GNC systems for the NASA Crew Launch Vehicle Ares 1. Whorton is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and has authored 8 journal articles and over 60 conference papers.

Mark Whorton