Scholarly Commons - AIAA Southeastern Regional Student Conference: 2021 Intern Program Jacobs NASA ESSCA Contract Marshall Space Flight Center

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NASA’S mission is Jacobs mission! Jacobs provides engineering, scientific and technical services to NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama, on the Engineering Services and Science Capability Augmentation (ESSCA) contract. A Prime Contractor at MSFC since 1989, Jacobs supports marquee NASA programs, including the Space Launch System (SLS), International Space Station, space optics fabrication, earth and space sciences and advanced propulsion system development. Jacobs also operates and maintains NASA’s Materials Mechanical Test Facility, supporting a wide range of material development, materials science and testing. And we lead NASA’s Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Team, studying space phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts in the universe.



2021 Intern Program Jacobs NASA ESSCA Contract Marshall Space Flight Center

NASA’S mission is Jacobs mission! Jacobs provides engineering, scientific and technical services to NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama, on the Engineering Services and Science Capability Augmentation (ESSCA) contract. A Prime Contractor at MSFC since 1989, Jacobs supports marquee NASA programs, including the Space Launch System (SLS), International Space Station, space optics fabrication, earth and space sciences and advanced propulsion system development. Jacobs also operates and maintains NASA’s Materials Mechanical Test Facility, supporting a wide range of material development, materials science and testing. And we lead NASA’s Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Team, studying space phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts in the universe.