70th Midyear Technical Conference: Graphical Expressions of Engineering Design | ASEE EDGD Midyear Conference

70th Midyear Technical Conference: Graphical Expressions of Engineering Design

ASEE EDGD 70th Midyear Conference

Graphical Expressions of Engineering Design

The Shores Resort & Spa •  Daytona Beach Shores, Florida

Sunday-Tuesday • January 24-26, 2016


Important Dates
10.19.15 (5pm EDT) – Digests due for submission
11.16.15 – Notification of Digest Acceptance
12.07.15 (5pm EDT) – Final Digests Due
12.18.15 (5pm EDT) - Poster Abstracts Due
12.31.15 (5pm EDT) - Early Registration Deadline
12.31.15 Hotel Discount Deadline

The role of visual communication stimulates significant interest and discourse within engineering education. The 70th EDGD MidYear Conference in Daytona Beach, Florida, promises to bring together a diverse audience to discuss the direction and focus of engineering design graphics across different disciplines of engineering education.

Submissions Formats
Authors are invited to submit a 1200-1500 word digest for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the conference proceedings. All submissions are peer reviewed. Authors will have a choice to present in one of two formats:

Travel Grant
Note, Graduate students and new faculty in graphics-related programs or courses may apply for the Schroff Participation Grant.

Browse the contents of 70th Midyear Technical Conference: Graphical Expressions of Engineering Design:

Digest Paper Proceedings
Poster Session Abstracts
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016