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Thank you for your interest in the AtmoSense/AIRWaveS Final Conference, taking
place April 15–17 in Daytona Beach, FL. To confirm your virtual or in-person
attendance, please complete the registration form using the link below.
👉 Register Here
✓ Registration is free.
✓ Click the link to access the registration form.
✓ Fill in all required fields, including personal details and session preferences.
✓ During registration, you will select your type of participation—online or in-person
—and indicate whether you intend to present.
✓ For non-government attendees, please note that in-person participants will have priority for available presentation slots. We encourage virtual attendance and speaking interest from government employees who cannot travel.
✓ You will receive an email confirmation.
If you experience any issues, please reach out via our Contact page.