
Treasure Island Inn Daytona Beach, Florida


There is not a faculty member who has taught the adult learner in the non-traditional environment that has not pondered the question of how it is you keep a class "going" for four or five hours. I have talked with quite a number who have even reached a conclusion-" You cannot! So just make the best of a bad situation." WRONG!!!

There are proven strategies and techniques for keeping a class "going" and doing it week after week, term after term. And, believe it or not, it can be done without an inordinate dependence on "there I was at 20,000 feet ..."

The answer cannot be found solely in traditional strategies and techniques--and that is where most of us are looking. The answer does emphasize multi-media presentations, simulations and gaming, and active participation and interaction by both faculty and the adult learner (the operative word being, "active").



Teaching Techniques for the Long Haul

Treasure Island Inn Daytona Beach, Florida

There is not a faculty member who has taught the adult learner in the non-traditional environment that has not pondered the question of how it is you keep a class "going" for four or five hours. I have talked with quite a number who have even reached a conclusion-" You cannot! So just make the best of a bad situation." WRONG!!!

There are proven strategies and techniques for keeping a class "going" and doing it week after week, term after term. And, believe it or not, it can be done without an inordinate dependence on "there I was at 20,000 feet ..."

The answer cannot be found solely in traditional strategies and techniques--and that is where most of us are looking. The answer does emphasize multi-media presentations, simulations and gaming, and active participation and interaction by both faculty and the adult learner (the operative word being, "active").