
Daytona Beach, Florida


Key in education at present is to plan to employ tomorrow's technologies today. Many of these technologies have already been developed and are about ready to be used. Academia should avail itself of the new opportunities, and thus it is worthwhile to review systematically a number of technological innovations. More educational innovations will emerge as core technologies are put to creative use. It is necessary to determine how prior methods can be adapted, and how the old is to be integrated with the new. For our purposes here, technological innovation in education will be considered under the following headings: Which are the Foremost Technologies; Applications; Adaptation; Teacher-Student Interaction; Teaching and Research; Merging Innovation with Tradition.

The reader might find the title of this study curious, even disconcerting. Faddism? Fetish? One would hope not. Key in education at present is to plan to employ tomorrow's technologies today. Many of these technologies have already been developed and are about ready to be used. Academia should avail itself of the new opportunities, and thus it is worthwhile to review systematically a number of technological innovations. My purpose here is two-fold: first, to describe a number of core technological innovations with a significant impact upon education; second, to offer suggestions how these might be effectively employed in teaching.



Educational Technotrends

Daytona Beach, Florida

Key in education at present is to plan to employ tomorrow's technologies today. Many of these technologies have already been developed and are about ready to be used. Academia should avail itself of the new opportunities, and thus it is worthwhile to review systematically a number of technological innovations. More educational innovations will emerge as core technologies are put to creative use. It is necessary to determine how prior methods can be adapted, and how the old is to be integrated with the new. For our purposes here, technological innovation in education will be considered under the following headings: Which are the Foremost Technologies; Applications; Adaptation; Teacher-Student Interaction; Teaching and Research; Merging Innovation with Tradition.

The reader might find the title of this study curious, even disconcerting. Faddism? Fetish? One would hope not. Key in education at present is to plan to employ tomorrow's technologies today. Many of these technologies have already been developed and are about ready to be used. Academia should avail itself of the new opportunities, and thus it is worthwhile to review systematically a number of technological innovations. My purpose here is two-fold: first, to describe a number of core technological innovations with a significant impact upon education; second, to offer suggestions how these might be effectively employed in teaching.