
Daytona Beach, Florida


Online courses for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University must be delivered as built, including all instructional activities, assessments and assignments. As the researcher developed ENGL 123 English Composition for online delivery, she became concerned that the course was tailored too much to her style. To test this, she created a survey that was administered to 12 instructors immediately after they finished teaching the course. They were asked to rank the effectiveness of each activity and assignment in teaching a specified learning outcome. The results were positive, although the number was too small to perform statistical analysis. Although the researcher made changes based on the feedback, she concluded that the course as designed overall could be taught successfully by any online instructor.



Using Learning Outcomes for Continuous Improvement: A Case Study of ENGL 123

Daytona Beach, Florida

Online courses for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University must be delivered as built, including all instructional activities, assessments and assignments. As the researcher developed ENGL 123 English Composition for online delivery, she became concerned that the course was tailored too much to her style. To test this, she created a survey that was administered to 12 instructors immediately after they finished teaching the course. They were asked to rank the effectiveness of each activity and assignment in teaching a specified learning outcome. The results were positive, although the number was too small to perform statistical analysis. Although the researcher made changes based on the feedback, she concluded that the course as designed overall could be taught successfully by any online instructor.