
The Trends and Directions CRM Conference is an integral part of Embry-Riddle Daytona Beach Masters of Science in Aeronautics course MSA 516. Its features are as follows:

This course examines the common concepts of Crew Resource Management (CRM) as developed by major air carriers and explores the theoretical bases of such training. Topics such as supervision of crew members, counseling, manner and style, accountability and role management are studied. Each student has the opportunity to become knowledgeable in a specific area of CRM by assisting in the development of a CRM research document as part of the course.

As the prevailing goal is to develop application competencies in CRM, a scenario will be devised to exercise CRM management skills. This will be accomplished by tasking students to conceive, plan and implement a university-wide CRM conference, complete with poster displays, guest speakers, awards and most of the other accoutrements of an academic conference. Other than the conference location and date, students will be responsible for every aspect of the event.

The first CRM: Trends and Directions graduate student conference will take place on November 30, 2015 at 2:00pm EST in the COA Atrium. Please check back for the published conference agenda in the coming month.

Browse the contents of Crew Resource Management: Trends and Directions:

2015 Conference - Monday, November 30, 2015
College of Aviation Atrium, Daytona Beach Campus - 2:15 to 5:15pm