Poster Instructions
- Poster presentations are paper displays that must be printed in advance. There will not be room for models/devices/computers or other visual aids.
- Printed posters should measure 36"h x 48"w.
- All images should be high resolution with at least 150 DPI to ensure high quality print
- Office of Undergraduate Research will print 1 poster for all accepted presentations.
- Submit and upload your poster to OUR Poster Request Form.
- Upload the poster as a PDF or PowerPoint file by Wednesday Nov. 9, 2022 by 11:59 pm EST.
- For a poster check list click here.
- Undergraduate Research will print the poster and email contact to pick it up.
- Submit and upload your poster to OUR Poster Request Form.
- Each presenter will be provided foam board, an easel, and binder clips to aid the mounting of the printed poster.
- Presenters must stand by their posters during their assigned session to answer questions. Unattended posters will be removed.
- The Abstract title must be readable from 3 feet away.
- Upload your poster to SRS website. For directions click here.
The Office of Undergraduate Research reserves the right to cancel a presenter's poster session.
If you have any questions please contact our office at 386.226.6424 or email