Date of Award

Summer 2010

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Eric Perrell

Committee Member

William Engblom

Committee Member

Vladimir V. Golubev

Committee Member

R.R. Mankbadi


The Wilcox (2006) k-co turbulence model has been extended to multiple species and implemented in a CFD code for high speed flows using the Steger-Warming flux-vector splitting scheme. The model was chosen because compressibility corrections are not required, nor are viscous damping factors or wall functions to produce the law of the wall, and it has previously been validated for approximately one hundred test cases ranging from incompressible to hypersonic flow regimes. Initial validation cases using first-order accuracy have been performed, including a Mach 2.5 flow past a backward-facing step and a Mach 2.85 flow into a 24° compression corner. For the backward-facing step simulation, the surface pressure has a maximum error of 63% in the separation region, less than 5% error after the flow reattaches, and an RMS error of 17.2%, all of which are less than those of Wind-US and Cobalt. For the compression corner case, the surface pressure has a maximum error of 27% in the separation region, roughly 5% error downstream of separation, and an RMS error of 7.76%.
