Finding Subdwarf B stars using Python automation and TESS data

Lindsay Spence
Tomomi Otani, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


Subdwarf B (sdB) stars are extreme horizontal branch stars with high temperature and gravity. The most promising formation scenarios involve close binary star evolution with three different channels, (a) Common Envelope (CE) channel , which can produce short period (P = 0.1 – 10 d) sdB + white dwarf (WD) or main sequence (MS) binary systems, (b) Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) channel, which results in long period (450 < P < 1400 d) sdb + MS binary systems, and (c) white-dwarf merger channel, which can produce single sdB stars. Unlike other types of stars, sdB types have a myriad of data; however, there is lack of automation code in the RLOF channel due to long-term efforts. This Python program aims to aid these missing areas in sdB binary research by automating the pulsation timing process. This Python program has been proven to shorten the analysis time down to a couple of minutes and has been tested with the target TIC 273218137 (BPM 36430) for accuracy due to the known binary status of the target. This program will be able to decrease the amount of time needed to analyze data and increase the number of discoveries that are able to be made.


Finding Subdwarf B stars using Python automation and TESS data

Subdwarf B (sdB) stars are extreme horizontal branch stars with high temperature and gravity. The most promising formation scenarios involve close binary star evolution with three different channels, (a) Common Envelope (CE) channel , which can produce short period (P = 0.1 – 10 d) sdB + white dwarf (WD) or main sequence (MS) binary systems, (b) Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) channel, which results in long period (450 < P < 1400 d) sdb + MS binary systems, and (c) white-dwarf merger channel, which can produce single sdB stars. Unlike other types of stars, sdB types have a myriad of data; however, there is lack of automation code in the RLOF channel due to long-term efforts. This Python program aims to aid these missing areas in sdB binary research by automating the pulsation timing process. This Python program has been proven to shorten the analysis time down to a couple of minutes and has been tested with the target TIC 273218137 (BPM 36430) for accuracy due to the known binary status of the target. This program will be able to decrease the amount of time needed to analyze data and increase the number of discoveries that are able to be made.