Author Information

Benjamin Wierzbanowski

Is this project an undergraduate, graduate, or faculty project?


Project Type



Daytona Beach

Authors' Class Standing

Benjamin Wierzbanowski, Graduate Student

Lead Presenter's Name

Benjamin Wierzbanowski

Lead Presenter's College

DB College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty Mentor Name

Bryan Watson


Prototyping is an integral component of the engineering design process, serving as a bridge between conceptualization and realization. This systematic literature review examines existing published literature to understand how the broader engineering design community approaches the prototyping process through defined and formalized strategies and frameworks. To achieve this, we conducted a comprehensive search, identifying 402 unique papers across 11 esteemed journals using crafted search strings. Applying inclusion criteria, we refined the selection to 94 papers that demonstrated relevancy to prototyping strategies and practices. Currently, we are in the process of the second phase of our inclusion criteria, further refining the literature to ensure alignment with our research questions. The anticipated outcome is the development of a taxonomy that not only assists designers during the embodiment stage of design but also integrates a systematic evaluation of critical factors. This taxonomy aims to guide designers in selecting the most effective prototyping strategies tailored to specific project contexts. The scarcity of aggregated research on prototyping and its approaches highlights a significant gap in the literature. Our research seeks to fill this gap of knowledge in this domain, thereby providing a valuable framework that synthesizes and clarifies prototyping strategies, contributing to both academic scholarship and practical application in the field of engineering design.

Did this research project receive funding support (Spark, SURF, Research Abroad, Student Internal Grants, Collaborative, Climbing, or Ignite Grants) from the Office of Undergraduate Research?

Yes, Spark Grant



An Exploration of Prototyping Strategies and Frameworks through a Systematic Literature Review

Prototyping is an integral component of the engineering design process, serving as a bridge between conceptualization and realization. This systematic literature review examines existing published literature to understand how the broader engineering design community approaches the prototyping process through defined and formalized strategies and frameworks. To achieve this, we conducted a comprehensive search, identifying 402 unique papers across 11 esteemed journals using crafted search strings. Applying inclusion criteria, we refined the selection to 94 papers that demonstrated relevancy to prototyping strategies and practices. Currently, we are in the process of the second phase of our inclusion criteria, further refining the literature to ensure alignment with our research questions. The anticipated outcome is the development of a taxonomy that not only assists designers during the embodiment stage of design but also integrates a systematic evaluation of critical factors. This taxonomy aims to guide designers in selecting the most effective prototyping strategies tailored to specific project contexts. The scarcity of aggregated research on prototyping and its approaches highlights a significant gap in the literature. Our research seeks to fill this gap of knowledge in this domain, thereby providing a valuable framework that synthesizes and clarifies prototyping strategies, contributing to both academic scholarship and practical application in the field of engineering design.


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