Date of Award

Summer 2022

Access Type

Dissertation - Open Access

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Factors


Human Factors and Behavioral Neurobiology

Committee Chair

Scott A. Shappell

First Committee Member

Christina M. Frederick

Second Committee Member

Douglas A. Weigmann

Third Committee Member

Albert J. Boquet


The purpose of the current project was to utilize and validate the Human Factors Intervention Matrix (HFIX) and the companion assessment tool FACES regarding developing and ranking novel interventions. This was completed by 1. Uncovering whether brainstorming with HFIX generated a higher quantity, quality, and broader breadth of ideas compared to traditional brainstorming, and 2. Seeing whether the modality in which HFIX was utilized affected the quantity, quality, and breadth of ideas generated. This research employed a 2x2 between-subjects experimental design (n = 120) where participants were assigned to groups of three in one of the four conditions. Analyses indicated that the HFIX brainstorming group (i.e., F2F/H condition) generated more interventions than the other three conditions. Regarding quality, results discovered that brainstorming with HFIX produced more feasible, acceptable, and sustainable interventions than participants utilizing the traditional brainstorming technique. Finally, results show that using HFIX to facilitate idea generation during the brainstorming process increased the number of interventions generated in the environment category for the F2F/H group. Implications of these results and considerations for future research are discussed. This work has provided a foundation for future research to continue exploring the effect that HFIX and FACES have on the idea generation process.

Lew GS-820220804.pdf (240 kB)
PhD Dissertation and Oral Defense Registration form

Tori PHD Committee.pdf (259 kB)
PhD Dissertation Advisory Committee

Victoria Lew GS9_Acceptance - signed.pdf (566 kB)
PhD Dissertation Acceptance Form
