This is the virtual exhibit for the Discovery Day, which is hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research. The event celebrates students, faculty, and staff's research and creative activities at an annual Discover Day Student Research Symposium, where students from across campus present their research, scholarship, and creative works. The symposium was an in-person poster event and you may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!
Climatology and Trends of Heatwaves in the Southeast United States
The Power of Water: A Study on the Integration of Geothermal and Glacial Resources in Iceland
Convolutional Neural Network Transfer Learning for Robust Face Recognition in NAO Humanoid Robot
Tourism in Iceland: How is the exponentially increasing tourism industry impacting Iceland’s natural wonders?
How does electric vehicle help average person in Iceland?
Iceland: The Heat of Change
An Investigation of the System Architecture of High Power Density 3U CubeSats Capable of Supporting High Impulse Missions
Recent discriminatory policies towards the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang, China