This is the virtual exhibit for the Discovery Day, which is hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research. The event celebrates students, faculty, and staff's research and creative activities at an annual Discover Day Student Research Symposium, where students from across campus present their research, scholarship, and creative works. The symposium was an in-person poster event and you may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!
Viking and Norse Settlers and Their Lasting Impact on Iceland and Its People
Soil Conservation: The Dilemma of Iceland
There's Something About Iceland
Why won't they stay in school? Investigation in to the reasons for secondary school dropouts in Iceland
Arctic Haze and the Effects of Anthropogenic Factor in the North Atlantic Atmosphere
Emergency Evacuation Route: A Case Study of Irma
Ice Core Collection Experimental Device (ICCED)
The Study of Moringa Oleifera Under Mars Lighting Conditions
Integration of Augmented Reality and Neuromuscular Control Systems for Remote Vehicle Operations
Instrumented Research Vehicle for Quantifying Real-World Emissions