This is the virtual exhibit for the Discovery Day, which is hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research. The event celebrates students, faculty, and staff's research and creative activities at an annual Discover Day Student Research Symposium, where students from across campus present their research, scholarship, and creative works. You may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!
Inflammation Monitoring by Two photon Polymerized Enhanced Surface Sensors
Quantifying Relationship between Infill Percentage and Tensile Strength of Fused Deposition Modeled Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Investigation of Thermal Energy Storage in Residential Air-Conditioning Systems
Study of Non-Newtonian Fluids and Their Applications
Development and Verification of a new Drone Swarm Search and Rescue Model
Developing a Novel Consensus Algorithm Based on Synchronous Turtle Hatching
Stress Effects During In-Person and Online Simulated Interviews
Study of a High-Power, Pulsed Plasma Jet with a Heterodyne Interferometer
SATLASS (Satellite Autonomous Launch and Assembly)
Predicting Machine Failure in Large Machine Diagnostics
Space in the Emerging Economies of Latin America; An Investigation Through the Lens of a Macro-Environmental Framework (Poster on STM Conference for Spark Grant)