This is the virtual exhibit for the Discovery Day, which is hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research. The event celebrates students, faculty, and staff's research and creative activities at an annual Discover Day Student Research Symposium, where students from across campus present their research, scholarship, and creative works. You may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!
Using graph theory to investigate the role of expertise on infrastructure evolution: A case study examining the game Factorio
Enhance Bravery and Self Esteem: A study on Brave Enterprise through advanced data analysis
Future of Refrigeration Efficiency and Utility
Development of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) for Motorcycle Crashes in Florida for Pre and Post Pandemic Conditions
Low Cost Magnetometer Calibration and Distributed Simultaneous Multipoint Ionospheric Measurements from a Sounding Rocket Platform
Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere Neutral Density Measurements from Low-cost COTS Accelerometers and Ionization Gauge
The [NII] 205 micron and [CII] 158 micron line emissions of four star forming Submillimeter Galaxies at z∼3-5.7
Bacterial antibiotic resistance in space
Calculating the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Gentamycin on Staphylococcus epidermidis Grown Under Simulated Microgravity
Testing the Gyrochronology Paradigm Using Wide Coeval Binary Stars
Mission ISS XR Study: A study about adapting to micro g extended reality