<p><a href="https://commons.erau.edu/db-srs/" target="_blank">The Student Research Symposium</a> 2020 was held asynchronously on Tuesday, Nov. 17 through Friday, Nov. 20. Undergraduate and graduate students presented over 50 projects by hosting their presentation virtually for members of the ERAU community to view. You may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!</p>
Optimizing a One DOF Robot Without a Mathematical Model Using a Genetic Algorithm
Phenolic Acid Analogues as a Potential Drug Formulation for Inflammatory Diseases
Project HOME (Hydroponic Operations for Mars Exploration)
Providing Situational Awareness to Unmanned System Operators and Pilots: A Research Study in Human-Machine Interfacing
Redundant Flight Control System for BVLOS UAV Operations
Silicone Rubber Host with Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material Filler
Silymarin Complex as a Potential Drug Formulation for Intestinal track Inflammatory Diseases
Stress Intensity Factor - Simple Solution for a Complex Problem
Women in Aviation: A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Needs and Wants Necessary to Successfully Graduate From a Four-year Degree Institution
Assessment of Evacuation Network Performance under Different Evacuation Scenarios in the Florida Keys
Characterization and Prediction of Superload in Florida Using Gradient Boosting Machine Learning Algorithm