<p><a href="https://commons.erau.edu/db-srs/" target="_blank">The Student Research Symposium</a> 2020 was held asynchronously on Tuesday, Nov. 17 through Friday, Nov. 20. Undergraduate and graduate students presented over 50 projects by hosting their presentation virtually for members of the ERAU community to view. You may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!</p>
Classification of Sources of Ionospheric Scintillation in High Latitudes through Machine Learning
Comparative Analysis of Wildfire & Hurricane Evacuations
Cyber Hygiene Practices: A Systematic Literature Review
It’s not just a game: A proposed method to examine the use of an escape room in team building
Optimization of Optical Frequency-domain Reflectometry for Dynamic Structural Health Monitoring using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors
Real Time Data Downlink Device for Live Telemetry from Instrumented Vehicles
Additive Manufacturing for Dynamic Ankle Brace and Medical Devices
Diversity in Aviation Academic Institutions
Evaluating Physical Characteristics' Performance on Linear Induction Motors
Does the Performance with the Overhead Deep Squat Predict Lower Extremity Kinematics During a High Velocity Pivot Task in Adolescent Female Soccer Players?
Hello, I'm Fat: Finding Myself in a Hulu Original
How Untreated Mental Illnesses in the Military Affects the National Security of America