Welcome Eagle Families!

March 12-14, 2021

2021 Quick Links
Live ZOOM Events Parent Student Programs Student Engagement and Student Life Undergraduate Research Home

We invite all CURRENT ERAU family members, across the globe, to join us virtually as we showcase the accomplishments of our students as well as their current projects. Most of the events and activities will be available for viewing to registered families throughout the weekend, but we also encourage you to make plans to participate in our scheduled LIVE Zoom sessions. We look forward to connecting with our Eagle family!

All videos and ZOOM links will be available beginning March 12th

Registration has closed.

Any video or images showing unmasked individuals were made Pre-Pandemic or produced in a setting with social distancing and precautions in place.

Minors attending virtual programs should be supervised at all times by an accompanying adult.

Welcome message from President Butler

Welcome message from Provost Moeller

Browse the contents of 2021:

College of Aviation
College of Arts and Sciences
David B. O'Maley College of Business
College of Engineering
Parent / Student Programs
Student Engagement & Student Life
Undergraduate Research