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The Office of Undergraduate Research invites students and their families to view undergraduate research award winning projects from the past year. Each project will contain a poster and video about the project.

Discovery Day 2020

The winners for team-based projects were:
1st PlaceMagneto Active Slosh Control System - MAPMD, led by Nikita Amberkar.
2nd PlaceAdditive Manufacturing of Dynamic Ankle Brace, led by Izah Deang.
3rd PlaceMethodology for Quantifying Resiliency of Transportation Systems, led by Fanny Kristiansson.

The winners for individual projects included:
1st PlaceInterdependency of Port Clusters During Regional Disaster, by Fanny Kristiansson.
2nd Place | Characterization and Prediction of Superload in Florida Using Gradient Boosting Machine Learning Algorithm, by Julian Jesso.
3rd PlaceAnalysis of Upstream Synoptic Conditions for Tropical Cyclones that Pass Near or Over Florida, by Zachary Yack.

Student Research Symposium

The winners for team-based projects were:
1st Place | Optics Payload System for 12U Sun Monitoring CubeSat, led by Thomas Burghardt.
Runner-up | Characterization of Microplastics in the Atmosphere, led by Atharv S. Dangore.

The winners for individual projects included:
1st Place | Silicone Rubber Host with Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Material Filler, by Madison Lilly. 
Runner-up | Modeling Mountain Gravity Waves in the Martian Upper Atmosphere, by Michael Flynn.

The winners for undergraduate thesis presentations include:
Tied for 1st Place Individual | How Untreated Mental Illnesses in the Military Affects the National Security of America, by Tessa Harvey and Project Vestia: Habitation of the Future, by Jackson G. Schuler.
1st Place Group | Wearable Silent Speech Interface for Augmented Reality Applications, led by Riley Flanagan.

All videos and ZOOM links will be available beginning March 12th.

All meeting times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Visit the Office of Undergraduate Research website.

Any video or images showing unmasked individuals were made Pre-Pandemic or produced in a setting with social distancing and precautions in place.

Please note that minors attending virtual programs should be supervised at all times by an accompanying adult.

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Saturday, March 13th
10:00 AM

Undergraduate Research - Student Panel Discussion

Students, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM