International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 13 | Iss 1



Musings On One Who Got Away: Personnel Security, Counterintelligence, and Edward Lee Howard — August 9, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article describes several concerns with the United States Government's (USG) approach to minimizing betrayal by its personnel who are entrusted with security clearances, special access to sensitive information, and sensitive positions.


Trends. Too Good To Be True as the Good and the True: The Political Psychology of the Con — August 9, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the psychology of cons (confidence games), or swindles.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Zimbabwe — August 9, 2002
Marko Phiri - The Financial Gazette (Zimbabwe)

The article discussed - Of dead heroes and live cowards, by Marko Phiri - was originally posted on the July 25, 2002 issue of The Financial Gazette (Zimbabwe). It is not available in Scholarly Commons due to copyright restrictions, but the full text is available online on this page of The Zimbabwe Situation.

In the article, Phiri discusses political conditions and alleged oppressive actions of the ruling party in Zimbabwe in 2002, using the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes as a lens.



Trends. For Homeland Security, Against a Department of Homeland Security — August 9, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article discusses national security as well as the addition of a new department – the Department of Homeland Security – as a psychological and political tactic.