International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 9 | Iss 18



Agent Provocateurs in the Mideast — December 1, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes examples of agent provocateurs in the context of conflict between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA.)


An Update on the Political Psychology of Sex and Personnel Security — December 1, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes the positive and negative contributions of scientific psychology to the interface of sexual orientation and personnel security.


Sanctions and Nonproliferation Behavior: Missing on Missiles — December 1, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes political psychologies supporting United States (US) sanctions-related behavior towards the People's Republic of China's (PRC) exporting of missiles, missile components, and missile technology.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Botswana — December 1, 2000
Staff Writer – The Botswana Gazette

This unsigned editorial - VAT to replace Sales Tax - but does Botswana really need the money?, purportedly by a staff writer at The Botswana Gazette Online News - was posted online for the November 24th, 2000 issue of that publication. The full article is not available for download due to copyright restrictions. Please contact The Botswana Gazette via social media ( for details.

The article discusses the psychological factors stemming from and affecting taxes in Botswana.



Trends. Social Violence: The Jigsaw Classroom as a Piece of the Puzzle — December 1, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the "jigsaw technique" developed by social psychologist Elliot Aronson as a partial way of addressing school-related violence.


Trends. The Unconditional as Conditional: We Are All Tamils — December 1, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the problematic nature of the term "unconditional" when applied to peace talks, in this case in Sri Lanka between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.


Trends. The United States Presidential Election: Curds and Wheys, Words and Cays — December 1, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the corruption of language and meaning in U.S. politics, particularly involving the U.S. presidential election.