San Diego
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Publication/Presentation Date
Presentation Abstract for the 3rd Tribal Forum in San Diego,CA in August 2004. By Native IMAGE, Little Priest Tribal College, and Winnebago, NE
This presentation will focus on the activities of the Institute for Managing Applications in Geospatial Extension (Native IMAGE) at Little Priest Tribal College during the Institute’s first full year of operation. Conceptually, the three primary goals of Native IMAGE are Community Outreach, Curriculum Enhancement, and Workforce Development. To realize these goals, the Institute has sought to provide training in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing to various tribal stakeholders, supply the Winnebago community with informational resources regarding well-mapping, land-use, and precision agriculture, support outreach endeavors that expose the community to new technology, and develop strong linkages with the Winnebago Public Schools. To further these objectives, the activities that have been implemented this year include the development and implementation of a Family Geoscience Program at Winnebago Public Schools, the planning for integration of geosciences into the curriculum at LPTC and the launch of community geospatial training in the form of a Geospatial Workshop which was offered this spring. Each of these thrusts will be a highlight of the presentation.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Lehrer, H., & Bowen, B. D. (2004). Third Tribal Forum - Presentation Abstract. , (). Retrieved from https://commons.erau.edu/ni-s4ea-san-diego/1
Additional Information
Brent Bowen and Hank Lehrer were not affiliated with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University when this abstract was written.