

Belle is a young teenage eager who spent all year long awaiting for her family trip during summer break. The day for departure finally arrives, but her summer vacation with her family quickly turns into her worst nightmare. The plane taking her to her destination crashes on an island and her parent disappear. Forced to learn how to survive along with the rest of the survivors who slowly start to die off from their deadly crash wounds. Eventually being the only one left, Belle wonders if she has what it takes to survive.


The author, Brandi Morton, is originally from Newark New Jersey, but currently resides in the beautiful California. Brandi has been serving in the Marine Corps for 10 years and is exploring her duende for aviation as she pursues her career as a jet mechanic. She enjoys expressing her creative side in her free time through art and music. Brandi has a fur baby named Luna who always stays by her side, everywhere she goes.



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