

On her eighth birthday, Isabelle Joss woke up with a mysterious doll in her arms. No one knew where it came from, but since that day the doll had become Izzy’s most prized possession. She stopped playing with the doll around age twelve but kept it in her room because she always found comfort in its presence.

On the night before she was supposed to leave for college, the doll disappeared from her room. Izzy searched high and low throughout her entire bedroom and childhood home but to no avail. When she stepped out of her closet after grabbing the last of her clothes to pack, she nearly collided with a young girl dressed in a ruffled pink dress holding the missing doll. She “MY BABY DOLL” PROPOSAL 3 introduced herself as Isabelle Joss, and that’s when Izzy realized she was talking to her younger self.

Izzy followed Isabelle to her home which looked oddly like her house and inside were voices that sounded like her late parents. That’s when she knew. Isabelle had led her to the night of her eighth birthday, just two weeks before her sister was murdered by an evil witch. Izzy was determined to protect little Isabelle and save her sister from the evils that took her away. And maybe find out where the doll came from in the process



My name is Krishna Patel. I am a senior at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University studying Air Traffic Management and Aviation Management; however, I have been writing fictional stories since I was about 10 years old. Most of my stories have elements of fantasy or romance if not both, and I love happy-endings!



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