The Road Back by Damien Ruggieri explores the life of Mark Thompson, a successful real estate mogul who sacrificed family and freedom for career ambition. Starting as a carefree adventurer with his wife, Mark’s priorities shift after the pressures of parenthood and the demands of his career take their toll, leading to estrangement and divorce. Years later, haunted by memories and regret, Mark embarks on a journey of redemption. A chance ride on his motorcycle rekindles his desire to reconnect with his sons, sparking a heartfelt transformation. Through perseverance and vulnerability, Mark learns that true success lies in the bonds he rebuilds with his family.
Damien Ruggieri is the Avionics Officer for Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 49 (MALS-49) and has proudly served in the Marine Corps since 2005. Beginning his career as an enlisted avionics technician, Damien transitioned to the officer ranks in 2017, accepting a warrant officer appointment. A dedicated father of four, he is passionate about exploring innovative solutions to advance the avionics community and fostering meaningful connections within the tight-knit Marine Corps. Damien aspires to follow the Limited Duty Officer path and retire as a Major. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys creative writing, weightlifting, and riding motorcycles.
Recommended Citation
Ruggieri, Damien
"The Road Back,"
Night Flight Journal: Vol. 5
, Article 37.
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