Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): Evening Keynote Speaker — General Aviation: Cornerstone of the Aviation Ecosystem

Evening Keynote Speaker — General Aviation: Cornerstone of the Aviation Ecosystem


AMS Hangar (Bldg. #398)

Start Date

8-14-2017 6:45 PM

End Date

8-14-2017 7:45 PM

Submission Type


Presenter Biography

Mark Baker has been flying for more than 35 years, using airplanes for fun, commuting, and business. With more than 7,500 hours in the left seat and a commercial pilot certificate with single and multiengine land and seaplane ratings, rotorcraft rating, and type ratings in the Cessna Citation 500 and 525s, Mark’s favorite plane is a Piper Super Cub he’s owned for more than 25 years. Before taking the helm at AOPA, Mark had a distinguished career in top leadership positions at companies including The Home Depot, Gander Mountain, and Orchard Supply Hardware.

Visit Mark Baker's Bio Page


Aug 14th, 6:45 PM Aug 14th, 7:45 PM

Evening Keynote Speaker — General Aviation: Cornerstone of the Aviation Ecosystem

AMS Hangar (Bldg. #398)