Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): Flight Instructor Professionalism

Presenter Email


Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Start Date

8-15-2017 3:15 PM

End Date

8-15-2017 4:45 PM

Submission Type



Professionalism, flight instruction, flight training


The inherent risk associated with aviation demands a high level of professionalism among aviation employees to ensure safety. Professionalism consists of factors such as technical competence, personal competence, neatness and attractiveness of dress, and personal conduct. Many of these factors are able to be taught, measured, or judged. However, conduct is an intangible quality that is not easily taught or quantified. As such, the professional behavior of aviation personnel is difficult for the FAA to mandate and regulate. An individual’s conduct is a learned behavior that originates through culture, role models, and experience. In aviation, conduct is instilled during the aviation education process when students begin to identify with the aviation profession and take on the personal attributes associated with it. In particular, students learn the majority of their values, beliefs, and ethics of aviation thought their role model, their flight instructor. As such, the flight instructor plays a critical role in the development of student professionalism and it is important for flight training organizations to measure and improve the professionalism of their flight instructor staff. In this research, a method to quantify flight instructor professionalism was created through the development of a 16 question survey. The results showed that professional conduct among flight instructors is comprised of four major components: (1) Respect; (2) Instructional leadership; (3) Altruism; and (4) Responsibility.

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Aug 15th, 3:15 PM Aug 15th, 4:45 PM

Flight Instructor Professionalism

Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

The inherent risk associated with aviation demands a high level of professionalism among aviation employees to ensure safety. Professionalism consists of factors such as technical competence, personal competence, neatness and attractiveness of dress, and personal conduct. Many of these factors are able to be taught, measured, or judged. However, conduct is an intangible quality that is not easily taught or quantified. As such, the professional behavior of aviation personnel is difficult for the FAA to mandate and regulate. An individual’s conduct is a learned behavior that originates through culture, role models, and experience. In aviation, conduct is instilled during the aviation education process when students begin to identify with the aviation profession and take on the personal attributes associated with it. In particular, students learn the majority of their values, beliefs, and ethics of aviation thought their role model, their flight instructor. As such, the flight instructor plays a critical role in the development of student professionalism and it is important for flight training organizations to measure and improve the professionalism of their flight instructor staff. In this research, a method to quantify flight instructor professionalism was created through the development of a 16 question survey. The results showed that professional conduct among flight instructors is comprised of four major components: (1) Respect; (2) Instructional leadership; (3) Altruism; and (4) Responsibility.

Byrnes Media 1 Riddle Air

Byrnes Media 2 Professionalism


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