Scholarly Commons - National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS): The Next Generation Classroom: Transforming Aviation Training with Augmented Reality

Presenter Email


Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Start Date

8-14-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

8-14-2017 10:15 AM

Submission Type



Flight training, augmented reality, technology, aviation, simulator, 3D models


Augmented Reality is transforming aviation training by allowing us to bring digital content in our real world with the use of wearable technologies such as Microsoft HoloLens. Wearable technologies can transform your aviation training using innovative methods to optimize engagement and retention by mapping 3D models, videos and holographic interactive content to your current training materials. These advanced training methods can be a cost-effective way to create engaging content to improve performance, reduce errors and aid in retention. This approach combined with customizable mobile applications create immersive experiences which optimize mixed reality to encourage the effective progression to advance skills, aid in retention, allow practice, bridge the gap between simulation and the classroom, while embracing new technologies to engage the future generation aviation learners.


Presented during Session 1: Advances in Flight Training

Presenter Biography

Lori Brown is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, is an Associate Professor and Researcher at Western Michigan University, College of Aviation. She serves on the International Pilot Training Association (IPTA) council member and is the chair for the Outreach chair for the ICAO Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) program. She is an Airline Transport Pilot and has taught in the International Pilot Training Center on the B737 for Delta, British Airways, KLM, and UAE, Ab-initio sponsored cadets. She serves as an aviation curriculum evaluator for America's Council on Education (ACE) for the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, FAA and Coast Guard and is also currently a researcher for the FAA PEGASAS center of excellence dedicated to helping the FAA revolutionize technical training practices. Her work has been featured at ICAO, the Royal Aeronautical Society and in many international conferences, books and journal publications.

View Lori Brown’s Bio Page

1158 Brown - Final 08.14.17.pptx (808218 kB)
Original PowerPoint, Full-res


Aug 14th, 9:00 AM Aug 14th, 10:15 AM

The Next Generation Classroom: Transforming Aviation Training with Augmented Reality

Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Augmented Reality is transforming aviation training by allowing us to bring digital content in our real world with the use of wearable technologies such as Microsoft HoloLens. Wearable technologies can transform your aviation training using innovative methods to optimize engagement and retention by mapping 3D models, videos and holographic interactive content to your current training materials. These advanced training methods can be a cost-effective way to create engaging content to improve performance, reduce errors and aid in retention. This approach combined with customizable mobile applications create immersive experiences which optimize mixed reality to encourage the effective progression to advance skills, aid in retention, allow practice, bridge the gap between simulation and the classroom, while embracing new technologies to engage the future generation aviation learners.


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