Presenter Email
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Start Date
8-14-2017 10:30 AM
End Date
8-14-2017 11:45 AM
Submission Type
Pilot supply, Flight training, Human factors, Safety in aviation, Aviation courseware, Generational training, Technology in aviation, Emerging issues in aviation, Improving instructor pilot teaching quality, Leadership / management in aviation organizations.
Early 2017 one of the fastest growing low-cost Asian airlines posed a problem to the Aerudite™ consultancy.
“We are expanding faster than we can mature our first officers to command. We have no choice but to distil the command knowledge and maturity, traditionally attained through ten years of right-seat osmosis, into three years flat! We don’t plan to recruit MPL first officers. We plan to recruit CIWs - Captains-In-Waiting. And we want you to devise a training course - right now.”
To enjoy (or to suffer) such a rate of expansion, this airline ‘sticks to its knitting’ and outsources whatever it can, including self-sponsored pilot training.
Aerudite™ provisionally accepted this challenge and convened a team of six consultants ranging from a D.Psych to a test pilot tutor. The conclusion was that ‘captaincy’ is a mindset - not a skillset and that if philosophy can be taught, so can ‘captaincy.'
Definitions and KPI’s were established, and Aerudite™ worked with a Flight Training Organisation (FTO) and a Type Rating Training Organisation (TRTO) to develop an extramural curriculum linked with national legislative requirements to create a ‘zero-to-hero’ solution which added a month to total training time.
The training sequence is PPL/CPL/IR/Type Rating. ‘Command thinking’ commences pre-PPL with threat and error management training. Single crew CRM is employed throughout the PPL where stalls become ‘undesired states’ - with minimal rudder recoveries.
All Aerudite™ ‘training plug ins’ are now being beta tested on students to be ready for submission to NTAS in July 2017.
Presenter Biography
Organisation: Aerudite Aviation
Job Title: Managing Consultant
Mike is one of few aviators who have taught and examined every theoretical and practical element in civilian flight training from stick & rudder thru ATPL and on to a first degree. He has operated land and seaplanes from unpowered to four-engined, with experience extending from banner towing to airlines. He read astronomy and planetary science for his BA and has an MSc with distinction in Air Transport Management. He has held management roles in engineering; as an AOC post holder; and in Corporate Flight Safety. He was the Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor for CAE-Oxford Aviation Academy (Singapore) and is currently an instructor with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide. Mike is managing consultant at Aerudite™ a collaborative of aviation training experts in fields ranging from psychology to pedagogy.
1085 Mylan - Final 08.31.17.pptx (148088 kB)
Original PowerPoint, Full-res
Original PowerPoint, Full-res
Aug 14th, 10:30 AM
Aug 14th, 11:45 AM
Necessary, but not Sufficient: What Flight Training Organisations Teach is No Longer Adequate for a Demanding Market that Needs ‘Captains Out-of-the-Box'
Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)
Early 2017 one of the fastest growing low-cost Asian airlines posed a problem to the Aerudite™ consultancy.
“We are expanding faster than we can mature our first officers to command. We have no choice but to distil the command knowledge and maturity, traditionally attained through ten years of right-seat osmosis, into three years flat! We don’t plan to recruit MPL first officers. We plan to recruit CIWs - Captains-In-Waiting. And we want you to devise a training course - right now.”
To enjoy (or to suffer) such a rate of expansion, this airline ‘sticks to its knitting’ and outsources whatever it can, including self-sponsored pilot training.
Aerudite™ provisionally accepted this challenge and convened a team of six consultants ranging from a D.Psych to a test pilot tutor. The conclusion was that ‘captaincy’ is a mindset - not a skillset and that if philosophy can be taught, so can ‘captaincy.'
Definitions and KPI’s were established, and Aerudite™ worked with a Flight Training Organisation (FTO) and a Type Rating Training Organisation (TRTO) to develop an extramural curriculum linked with national legislative requirements to create a ‘zero-to-hero’ solution which added a month to total training time.
The training sequence is PPL/CPL/IR/Type Rating. ‘Command thinking’ commences pre-PPL with threat and error management training. Single crew CRM is employed throughout the PPL where stalls become ‘undesired states’ - with minimal rudder recoveries.
All Aerudite™ ‘training plug ins’ are now being beta tested on students to be ready for submission to NTAS in July 2017.
Presented during Session 1 (cont.): Advances in Flight Training