Reception & Advanced Air Mobility Poster Session
Student Union Events Center - Room A & D
Start Date
2-27-2024 3:30 PM
End Date
2-27-2024 5:00 PM
Submission Type
Topic Area
Advanced Air Mobility
Agrawal & Collins - Integrated Propulsion and Control of Rotorcraft
Akintelure et al. - Green Skies Over Akron: “Revolutionizing CAK with a $20M Sustainability Blueprint"
Almasabi et al. - Tour-Based Network Design and Demand Forecasting for Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)
Box et al. - Integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems for Enhanced Wildlife Hazard Assessment in Airport Environments
Brown & Lisak - eVTOL Aircraft Pilot Training, Certification, and Integration in the NAS
Callender - Enhancing the Glide Performance of Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft
Cox-Gross & Collins - eVTOL/AAM RPM Controlled Rotor Design Process and Research
Dreslin et al. - Up in the Air: A Human Factors Approach to Enhancing eVTOL Passenger Experience
Garcia et al. - Uncertainty and Assurance in AAM Regulation
Koellner - Shaping the Sky: Navigating the Future of Urban Air Mobility Through Innovative Regulation
Lorenzon - Going Airborne: Kent State's Pioneering Leap into Integrated Advanced Air Mobility
McDonald et al. - Shaping AAM Educational Methods: A Comparison of Traditional and Compressed Class Schedules in UAS Classes
Nilsson & Canada - The Sky is Falling… Or is it?
O’Reilly et al. - Operational Feasibility and Mobility Outcome from eVTOL Based on Existing Air Infrastructure
Patel & Chaparro - Identifying Stereotypical Inceptor-Movement Pairings for eVTOL Hover and Forward Flight
Patel et al. - A Comparative Study of eVTOL Inceptor Variations and Lessons Learned Through Human Factors Research
Spier & Collins - Reachability Analysis for Multi-Rotor UAM Vehicles Based on Force and Moment Envelopes
Stansbury et al. - Examination of Urban Air Mobility Integration into the National Airspace System
Feb 27th, 3:30 PM
Feb 27th, 5:00 PM
Reception & Advanced Air Mobility Poster Session
Student Union Events Center - Room A & D