2023 Champion: Blaikie, Cheryl
Cheryl Blaikie is the campus bookstore manager for the Daytona Beach campus and has worked with Follett for over 13 years. Since bringing her expertise to Embry-Riddle, she has been a steadfast partner with the OER Initiative Team, helping to support access to textbooks for students, particularly those impacted by the pandemic and other challenges. For example, she coordinated grants to Hunt Library to rent high-use textbooks for course reserves during the 2020-2021 academic year. This program alleviated access problems when reserve books were quarantined due to COVID. She also collaborated with Hunt Library and Veteran Student Services to provide scholarships during Summer 2021 to help cover textbook costs for veterans taking summer courses.
Daytona Beach
Bookstore Manager
2023 Champion: Blaikie, Cheryl
Hunt Library
Hazy Library