2024 Champion: Groh, Tyrone

Presenter Information

Tyrone Groh


Professor Groh serves as a Professor of Security and Intelligence Studies and as a Faculty Fellow for the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. He has used open educational resources all 10 years of his time here at ERAU Prescott. Using open-source educational materials has permitted Professor Groh the opportunity to adapt the resources to the needs of individual classes. For example, classes this semester have requested that materials include color-coded highlights that connect assigned information to learning objectives and specific course concepts. In addition, this practice has allowed students to refine their abilities to actively read and better prepare for classes. The open-source nature of the selected education materials allows for personal, individualized touches that add to students' learning experience.




Professor of Global Security and Intelligence, COBSI


  • Dr. Groh teaches up to 4 DIFFERENT GSIS classes every semester. I have taken all of his classes and never once had to buy a text book. He believes college is enough money as is and we shouldn’t be buying books on top of that. Instead he finds books, pdfs, and articles online which he personally goes through to then assign readings from all year. This allows me to not only be exposed to more literature and recourses but also saves me money. There is no professor more deserving of this award. -- Student Nomination
  • In all the classes I’ve had with him, I have never had to purchase a textbook. He always finds great resources available for free, and gives us access to the pdf or video through Canvas. -- Student Nomination
  • I have had 3 classes with Dr. Groh and in none of his classes he required a single textbook. Dr. Groh provided substantial class readings, videos, and other materials that were all free and accessible to everyone. I have learned more in his classes than any other class by getting information from many sources that Dr. Groh gave us access to. In most of the classes that I have had to buy textbooks in I found that the textbooks I did purchase were mostly useless for the class. Dr. Groh could have easily assigned many textbooks for us to read but instead he provided modern, relevant, and important information that actually helped students learn. -- Student Nomination



2024 Champion: Groh, Tyrone