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Faculty Mentor Name

Noel Richardson

Format Preference

Poster Presentation with Audio


Be stars are rapidly rotating hot stars, rotating at a speed just below the break-up velocity. Be stars are non-supergiant stars and have been found to have emission lines within their spectra, due to “circumstellar Keplerian disks”. Our goal has been to analyze spectra of HD6226. We use spectroscopy and compare these data to the photometric data that TESS collected at the same time. The star was in the process of building a disk during the TESS observation timeframe. We find several pulsational periods in the TESS data, and compare the points in the light curve that do not match our pulsational model in order to examine how these stars build their disks, and the causes of their variations, which has eluded observers for a long time.

  • Original: POSTER PRESENTATION; Added AUDIO when event moved online.



Spectroscopy of Be Stars Observed with TESS

Be stars are rapidly rotating hot stars, rotating at a speed just below the break-up velocity. Be stars are non-supergiant stars and have been found to have emission lines within their spectra, due to “circumstellar Keplerian disks”. Our goal has been to analyze spectra of HD6226. We use spectroscopy and compare these data to the photometric data that TESS collected at the same time. The star was in the process of building a disk during the TESS observation timeframe. We find several pulsational periods in the TESS data, and compare the points in the light curve that do not match our pulsational model in order to examine how these stars build their disks, and the causes of their variations, which has eluded observers for a long time.

  • Original: POSTER PRESENTATION; Added AUDIO when event moved online.