
Creation Date
Yu Takeuchi is serving for JAXA since 2007 and currently working as Associate Senior Administrator at Management and Integration Department of Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate. He is also working as Researcher at the Institute of Space Law of Keio University. He received LL.M. degree from the Institute of Air and Space Law of McGill University in 2015. His main interest is in international space law inter alia the legal aspects of space traffic management and sustainable space development. He is a member of the Air Law Institute of Japan, Japanese Society of International Law, and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL).
Main Works Published in English
- “Toward the International Regime for Space Traffic Management -What to Fix the Current International Regulations-”, (November 5, 2014). Space Traffic Management Conference, Paper 23 (
- “Regulatory Regime for Tomorrow’s Suborbital Space Flights: Point-to-point International Flights”, 56th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2013.
- “Space Traffic Management as a Guiding Principle of the International Regime of Sustainable Space Activities,” 4 Journal of East Asia and International Law, 2011
- “Japanese Perspective on Legal Issues of Commercial Human Spaceflight” (co-author), 53rd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2011
- “Legal Points at Issue about NEO Threat Response and International Cooperation” (co-author), 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2011
- “From Guideline to International Treaty for Rule of Law concerning Mitigation of Space Debris?” (co-author), 52nd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 2010
Main Works Published in Japanese (title translated into English)
- “What is Space Traffic Management”, Vol. 46, No.9, Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 2018.
- Soichiro Kozuka & Masahiko Sato eds., Introduction of Space Law for Entrepreneur (2nd. Ed.), Yuhikaku, 2018. (co-authored)
-“Challenges to International Space Law for Managing Space Traffic”, 55 Kuho (Air Law), 2014.
-“Legal Points as Issues of NEO Threat Response and International Cooperation” (co-author), 3 Spaceguard Research, Japan Spaceguard Association, 2011