2016 Emerging Dynamics | Space Traffic Management Conference

The Commercial Space Operations Program and Applied Aviation Sciences Department of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s College of Aviation, are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Space Traffic Management Conference “Emerging Dynamics”. The conference will be held in Daytona Beach, Florida 16 - 18 November 2016 at Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach campus.

We will continue to build upon the work of the previous years’ conferences. Quite a bit of progress has occurred in the space traffic management realm this past year. The U.S. Commercial Space Competitiveness Act addresses STM. The Legal Subcommittee of the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space included space traffic management as a new agenda item. The IAA Study Group is poised to publish a extensive update to its seminal 2006 study. Operationally, government initiatives dealing with integration through the National Air Space as well coordination of orbital activities are underway.

View the daily agendas by clicking the corresponding day in the links below.

Browse the contents of 2016 Emerging Dynamics:

Wednesday, 16 November
View Wednesday's Agenda
Thursday, 17 November
View Thursday's Agenda
Friday, 18 November
View Friday's Agenda
Includes papers, PPTs, and other media presented during the conference