Sustainability ideas for Embry-Riddle
Presentation Type
Daytona Beach
Start Date
28-1-2020 11:00 AM
End Date
28-1-2020 2:00 PM
Organization, if requesting a table
Greenhouse club
Presentation Description/Abstract
The idea would be to start a greenhouse on campus, whether maintained by the school or a school-based organization. The greenhouse would include solar panels, either on the roof or surrounding the structure for simple electronic functions. A farm would work as well if the school decided not to attain a greenhouse. However, there will still be a garden and the fertilizer used will be from the compost pile. In the cafeterias, a compost section will be available for all leftover food, except meat. A rainwater collection and irrigation system will be used for the garden. Extra water could also be extracted from a water retention pond.
Additionally, switching to more biodegradable options could be offered as well with a compost pile available. Switching from disposable plastic utensils to disposable bamboo utensils would be sustainable as well. Bamboo is a wonderful, compostable, sustainable alternative that grows rapidly to replace what is used.
Lastly, changing our fuel options would be beneficial to the campus. Such as utilizing hybrid trucks for deliveries with fuel flexed diesel made of filtered, used vegetable oil mixed with diesel for fuel. A carpool app or online tool would also be a more sustainable option to provide on campus to address parking issues still dealt with, helping students get rides without the hassle of finding a parking space or using the shuttle. Students using the shuttle must wait for one, then wait for their stop. This system is most comparable to an Uber provider just for ERAU students, worked by the students, who are then paid by the school.
Greenhouse, compost, solar energy, farm, garden, rainwater irrigation, biodegradable, alternative
Sustainability ideas for Embry-Riddle
The idea would be to start a greenhouse on campus, whether maintained by the school or a school-based organization. The greenhouse would include solar panels, either on the roof or surrounding the structure for simple electronic functions. A farm would work as well if the school decided not to attain a greenhouse. However, there will still be a garden and the fertilizer used will be from the compost pile. In the cafeterias, a compost section will be available for all leftover food, except meat. A rainwater collection and irrigation system will be used for the garden. Extra water could also be extracted from a water retention pond.
Additionally, switching to more biodegradable options could be offered as well with a compost pile available. Switching from disposable plastic utensils to disposable bamboo utensils would be sustainable as well. Bamboo is a wonderful, compostable, sustainable alternative that grows rapidly to replace what is used.
Lastly, changing our fuel options would be beneficial to the campus. Such as utilizing hybrid trucks for deliveries with fuel flexed diesel made of filtered, used vegetable oil mixed with diesel for fuel. A carpool app or online tool would also be a more sustainable option to provide on campus to address parking issues still dealt with, helping students get rides without the hassle of finding a parking space or using the shuttle. Students using the shuttle must wait for one, then wait for their stop. This system is most comparable to an Uber provider just for ERAU students, worked by the students, who are then paid by the school.
Some ideas to implement at ERAU.
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