Scholarly Commons - ASEE EDGD Midyear Conference: Psychometric Properties of the PSVT:R Outcome Measure: A Preliminary Study of Introductory Engineering Design Graphics

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Freshman/Sophomore Engineering Design Teams


The Purdue Spatial Visualization Tests: Visualization of Rotations (PVST:R)is among the most commonly used measurement instruments to assess spatial ability. This paper presents the preliminary findings of a factor analysis of the PSVT:R given to 335 introductory engineering design graphics students. Psychometric analysis of the student sample data indicated alternate loading patterns, divergent from a single factor solution.



Psychometric Properties of the PSVT:R Outcome Measure: A Preliminary Study of Introductory Engineering Design Graphics

The Purdue Spatial Visualization Tests: Visualization of Rotations (PVST:R)is among the most commonly used measurement instruments to assess spatial ability. This paper presents the preliminary findings of a factor analysis of the PSVT:R given to 335 introductory engineering design graphics students. Psychometric analysis of the student sample data indicated alternate loading patterns, divergent from a single factor solution.