Scholarly Commons - ASEE EDGD Midyear Conference: Visual Analytics of High-dimensional Data Sets: A Hyperspectral Imagery Test Case

Presentation Type

Paper Presentation

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Innovative technologies, Visualization

Student Poster Abstracts, available categories:

Freshman/Sophomore Engineering Design Teams


Visualization and interpretation of big data poses new and unique challenges. As engineering students enter the work force, many will be tasked with analyzing increasingly large and complex data sets with which they have little experience. This paper presents simple heat map and multi-line plotting techniques used to select critical spectral attributes produced from data mining a hyperspectral satellite image for bathymetry mapping. Additionally, good graphic design practices regarding color choice and reducing visual distraction are suggested in order to more quickly and clearly communicate information to an audience. These techniques can be applied to all types of data visualization as an effective way of communicating data.



Visual Analytics of High-dimensional Data Sets: A Hyperspectral Imagery Test Case

Visualization and interpretation of big data poses new and unique challenges. As engineering students enter the work force, many will be tasked with analyzing increasingly large and complex data sets with which they have little experience. This paper presents simple heat map and multi-line plotting techniques used to select critical spectral attributes produced from data mining a hyperspectral satellite image for bathymetry mapping. Additionally, good graphic design practices regarding color choice and reducing visual distraction are suggested in order to more quickly and clearly communicate information to an audience. These techniques can be applied to all types of data visualization as an effective way of communicating data.