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Course content and tools, Instructional methodologies
Student Poster Abstracts, available categories:
Freshman/Sophomore Engineering Design Teams
One specific objective of engineering graphics courses is to teach how to communicate engineering design. An observation is that a significant amount of class time is spent teaching students how to use CATIA in order for them to develop the necessary skills before they can begin to learn design and modeling techniques. This work is an effort to use videos as short, specific reference for particularly challenging techniques to students. The goal is to shift the software-learning time away from the classroom in order to be able to focus the class on design and design expression.
Work-in-Progress: Introduction for Flipping the Classroom Techniques to Improve Instruction of Software-Specific Techniques and Methods
One specific objective of engineering graphics courses is to teach how to communicate engineering design. An observation is that a significant amount of class time is spent teaching students how to use CATIA in order for them to develop the necessary skills before they can begin to learn design and modeling techniques. This work is an effort to use videos as short, specific reference for particularly challenging techniques to students. The goal is to shift the software-learning time away from the classroom in order to be able to focus the class on design and design expression.