Scholarly Commons - ASEE Southeastern Section Conference: T2-D: Student Grade Prediction Based Upon Prerequisite Lab or Topic Course Performance

T2-D: Student Grade Prediction Based Upon Prerequisite Lab or Topic Course Performance


Richard Petty

Start Date

5-3-2018 1:45 PM


Undergraduate students in mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering at the University of Florida are required to take laboratory courses that apply what they have learned in previous theory courses. Some students perform well and some not-so-well. A database of 2580 students over the last ten years was analyzed. It was found that poor performance in a juniorlevel laboratory course was more strongly correlated with poor performance in an earlier laboratory course than in the theory course that supported the junior-level course. Other observations on grade inflation and the student performances in three courses in the database are also made.


Mar 5th, 1:45 PM

T2-D: Student Grade Prediction Based Upon Prerequisite Lab or Topic Course Performance

Richard Petty

Undergraduate students in mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering at the University of Florida are required to take laboratory courses that apply what they have learned in previous theory courses. Some students perform well and some not-so-well. A database of 2580 students over the last ten years was analyzed. It was found that poor performance in a juniorlevel laboratory course was more strongly correlated with poor performance in an earlier laboratory course than in the theory course that supported the junior-level course. Other observations on grade inflation and the student performances in three courses in the database are also made.