Scholarly Commons - ASEE Southeastern Section Conference: T2-B: Fun with Fluids: K-12 Engagement in STEM Research

T2-B: Fun with Fluids: K-12 Engagement in STEM Research

Presenter Information

Nevin Brosius, University of Florida


Bill France B

Start Date

5-3-2018 1:45 PM


An interactive lesson plan was delivered by an engineering graduate student at the experimental school at University of Florida in November 2017. The plan introduces molecules and bonds in the context of surface tension via interactive experiments and presents the work of a graduate student at the K-12 level. Experiments will address learning standard NGSS MS-PS1-2. Surface tension is introduced and demonstrated through several hands-on experiments and discussions. The aim of this project is to promote discussion with a researcher and popularize sciences in K12. Evaluations for this work are carried out via a pre- and post- quiz for the students and input from the teacher.


Mar 5th, 1:45 PM

T2-B: Fun with Fluids: K-12 Engagement in STEM Research

Bill France B

An interactive lesson plan was delivered by an engineering graduate student at the experimental school at University of Florida in November 2017. The plan introduces molecules and bonds in the context of surface tension via interactive experiments and presents the work of a graduate student at the K-12 level. Experiments will address learning standard NGSS MS-PS1-2. Surface tension is introduced and demonstrated through several hands-on experiments and discussions. The aim of this project is to promote discussion with a researcher and popularize sciences in K12. Evaluations for this work are carried out via a pre- and post- quiz for the students and input from the teacher.